花市文学 - 言情小说 - Rain Addict在线阅读 - 10 :Go on ! Maiden

10 :Go on ! Maiden

    Sukie’s return to the modern world was met with mixed emotions. The joy of reuniting with friends and family was tempered by the realization of the challenges that lay ahead. Her mission was clear: to secure a future where she and Han Fengling could be together without fear or uncertainty. This required not only financial stability but also a deep understanding of the intricacies of the modern world.

    As she settled back into her life, Sukie found herself at a crossroads. She had to choose a career path that would provide the resources and stability necessary for her and Han Fengling,s future. After much contemplation, she decided to pursue a career in finance, an industry with the potential for significant financial gains. She knew that with her determination and intellect, she could excel.

    Sukie enrolled in a prestigious business school, dedicating herself to her studies with the same fervor she had shown in her previous academic pursuits. The rigorous coursework and demanding schedule were challenging, but she remained focused on her goal. Her classmates and professors were impressed by her intelligence and drive, often seeking her insights during discussions.

    During her time at business school, Sukie formed a close-knit group of friends who shared her passion for finance and entrepreneurship. Among them was Jason, a brilliant but introverted student who quickly became her confidant. They spent countless hours studying together, discussing market trends, and sharing their dreams for the future.

    One evening, as they sat in the library, their textbooks spread out before them, Jason looked at Sukie with curiosity. "You know, Sukie, you never talk about your past. Where did you get this drive, this unwavering determination?"

    Sukie smiled, her thoughts drifting to Han Fengling and the life they had shared. "I,ve been through a lot, Jason. More than most people can imagine. But it,s given me a clear sense of what I want and what I,m willing to fight for."

    Jason nodded, sensing the depth of her words. "Well, whatever it is, it makes you one of the most remarkable people I know. I have no doubt you,ll achieve everything you set out to do."

    His words filled her with a renewed sense of purpose. She knew that her time in the modern world was not just about achieving financial success, but also about preparing herself for the life she wanted with Han Fengling.

    As Sukie excelled in her studies, she also began to invest in cryptocurrencies, having learned about their potential during her time in the ancient world. She spent hours researching and analyzing market trends, making calculated investments that soon began to pay off. Her portfolio grew rapidly, and she used her profits to secure assets that would ensure a comfortable future.

    Despite her busy schedule, Sukie never lost sight of her promise to Han Fengling. She frequently communicated with Mei Ling and Li Zifeng, who provided updates on the situation in the ancient world. Their support and encouragement were invaluable, reminding her that she was not alone in her mission.

    One weekend, Sukie decided to take a break from her studies and visit her parents. The drive to their house was filled with memories of her childhood, a simpler time before her life had become so complicated. As she pulled into the driveway, her mother greeted her with a warm hug, her eyes filled with pride and love.

    "Sukie, it,s so good to see you," her mother said, leading her inside. "You,ve been working so hard. I,m worried you,re overdoing it."

    Sukie smiled, appreciating her mother,s concern. "I,m okay, Mom. I just have a lot I need to accomplish."

    Her father joined them in the living room, his expression serious. "We,re proud of you, Sukie. But we also want to make sure you,re taking care of yourself. You don,t have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders."

    The warmth and support of her parents were a balm to Sukie’s weary soul. She spent the weekend relaxing and reconnecting with her family, finding solace in their love and understanding. It was a reminder that she was not alone in her journey, and that there were people who cared deeply about her well-being.

    After returning to school, Sukie threw herself back into her studies with renewed vigor. Her determination paid off as she graduated with top honors, securing a coveted position at a leading investment firm. The fast-paced world of finance was exhilarating, and Sukie quickly established herself as a rising star in the industry.

    Her success did not go unnoticed. She caught the attention of James Whitmore, a wealthy and influential businessman known for his sharp instincts and aggressive tactics. He invited Sukie to join his team, offering her a position that promised both wealth and influence. While the opportunity was tempting, Sukie was wary of Whitmore,s reputation and the potential ethical compromises that might come with working for him.

    One evening, as she sat in her luxurious apartment overlooking the city, Sukie received a call from Mei Ling. Her friend,s voice was filled with excitement and urgency. "Sukie, we,ve made a breakthrough. There,s a way to stabilize the time portal, to make it permanent."

    Sukie,s heart raced with hope and fear. "Are you sure? How does it work?"

    "We,ve found ancient texts that describe a ritual involving rare gemstones and a specific alignment of the stars," Mei Ling explained. "But it,s dangerous, and it requires precise timing. We need to act quickly."

    Sukie knew this was the moment she had been waiting for. Her time in the modern world had given her the resources and knowledge she needed, but it was time to return to Han Fengling and fulfill her promise. She took a deep breath, her mind racing with the implications of the ritual.

    "Mei Ling, I,ll do whatever it takes. Just tell me what I need to do," Sukie said, her voice filled with determination.

    As they discussed the details, Sukie felt a mixture of excitement and trepidation. The ritual required specific gemstones that were both rare and expensive. Fortunately, her investments had provided her with the financial means to acquire them. She contacted a reputable gem dealer and arranged to purchase the necessary stones.

    In the following days, Sukie meticulously prepared for the ritual. She reviewed the ancient texts, cross-referencing them with modern scientific knowledge to ensure every detail was correct. Her apartment became a makeshift laboratory, filled with charts, crystals, and arcane symbols.

    On the night of the ritual, Sukie stood on the rooftop of her apartment building, the city lights twinkling below her. The stars were perfectly aligned, their celestial dance a testament to the precision required for the ritual. Mei Ling and Li Zifeng stood by her side, their presence a comforting reminder of the bond they shared.

    As Sukie began to chant the incantation, the gemstones arranged in a circle around her began to glow with a soft, ethereal light. The air crackled with energy, and she felt a surge of power coursing through her veins. The ritual was working, but it demanded all of her focus and strength.

    Mei Ling and Li Zifeng watched in awe as the portal began to form, a shimmering vortex that seemed to pulse with life. Sukie’s voice grew louder, the ancient words flowing from her lips with a clarity and power that belied their age. The portal stabilized, its edges solidifying into a gateway between worlds.

    With a final surge of energy, Sukie completed the ritual. The portal stood open before her, a testament to her determination and sacrifice. She turned to Mei Ling and Li Zifeng, her eyes filled with gratitude and resolve.

    "Thank you both, for everything," she said, her voice steady despite the emotions swirling within her.

    Mei Ling hugged her tightly. "Be safe, Sukie. And remember, we,ll always be here for you."

    Li Zifeng nodded, his expression serious. "Good luck, Sukie. You’ve got this."

    Taking a deep breath, Sukie stepped through the portal. The transition was both exhilarating and disorienting, the world around her shifting and transforming in a kaleidoscope of colors and sensations. When the light faded, she found herself standing in the familiar surroundings of the mountain village.

    The villagers greeted her with joy and relief, their faith in her unwavering. Sukie’s heart raced as she searched for Han Fengling, her eyes scanning the crowd. When she finally saw him, standing at the edge of the village with a look of disbelief and joy on his face, she felt a wave of emotion wash over her.

    “Fengling!” she cried, running to him.

    He caught her in his arms, holding her tightly. “Sukie, you came back.”

    “I promised I would,” she said, tears streaming down her face. “And I always keep my promises.”

    They stood there, wrapped in each other’s embrace, the weight of their journey lifting from their shoulders. The love they shared had brought them back together, and now, they could finally begin the life they had always dreamed of.

    As the villagers celebrated their return, Sukie and Han Fengling stood together, their hearts filled with gratitude and hope. They had faced unimaginable challenges, but their love had endured, guiding them through the darkest of times.

    In the days that followed, they worked together to build a future, blending the knowledge and experiences of both worlds. Sukie’s innovations brought new opportunities to the village, while Han Fengling’s strength and wisdom ensured that their community thrived.

    Their love story became a legend, inspiring others to believe in the power of courage, resilience, and unwavering devotion. As they stood hand in hand, watching the sun set over the mountains, Sukie knew that they had truly found their place in the world.

    Together, they had created a legacy of love and hope, a testament to the enduring power of the human spirit. And as they faced the future, they did so with the knowledge that, no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would always have each other.